Funeral Providers Compared

Choosing a funeral provider is an important decision, and costs vary depending on the services each provider offers. Larger facilities often come with higher prices—whether or not you use all the amenities. On the other hand, some of the lowest-cost providers often attract unfavorable reviews.

The chart and video below help clarify how our offerings compare to other providers, ensuring you have the information needed to make the right choice for your family.

(All prices for comparison were collected via online General Price lists on November 2023 by a licensed Funeral Director and are subject to change.)

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(All prices for comparison were collected via online General Price lists on November 2023 by a licensed Funeral Director and are subject to change.)

The chart and video below help clarify how our offerings compare to other providers, ensuring you have the information needed to make the right choice for your family.

How it works

Contact Affordable Burials & Cremations

We are available day and night to help you in any way we can. Call us at (416) 489-8000 or begin online arrangements.

Submitting the paper work

Filling out the necessary forms is made easy with our planning online option. Should you have questions or run into any issues, we are ready to assist.

Bring deceased into our care

We will attend the place of death and bring the deceased in to our care where we will carry out your wishes.

Returning your loved one

If Cremation is selected, the Cremated Remains will be available at our office for retrieval generally within 5 business days. Payment is made at this point.

Our Goal At Affordable Burials And Cremations

Listen, and help you make meaningful arrangements that meet all of your needs.

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