Planning can be simple

We're here to guide you every step of the way—helping you explore your options, make informed choices, and ensure your arrangements reflect your wishes.


Our online planning tool lets you review simple package prices or provide details at your own pace to build a complete plan. Anything you submit, we’ll review with you to ensure your peace of mind.


How to begin online pre-planning

We are happy to assist you with your pre-needs by helping you make service decisions, complete documents, and understand affordability options.

Peace of Mind

Peace of Mind

Many of us carefully plan life’s biggest moments—weddings, homeownership, and retirement. Pre-planning your final arrangements is no different; it’s a way to ease future burdens and ensure your wishes are honored.

Personal Choice

Your Wishes, Your Way

Pre-planning gives you time to make thoughtful decisions that reflect your values, traditions, and financial comfort—without added stress.

Lower Costs

Price Certainty & Flexibility

By making arrangements in advance, you gain clarity on costs and can choose whether to set funds aside now or later. This can help protect against rising expenses while giving you flexibility.

Frequently Asked Questions

Click on the questions below to reveal each respective answer.

  • How do I start?

    To begin you may contact us, or begin by filling out our pre-planning form. This will start the process of arrangements. Our staff will contact you and walk you through the steps of arrangement. We will discuss  and choose personalized options if desired by you or your family. 

  • Do I have to pay in advance?

    Preplanning is merely making your wishes known; however, most families who do this choose to pre-fund the service. A preneed insurance policy, life insurance policy or other payment options can all be arranged before the time of death. At the time of death, services must be paid, so having options ahead of time can also reduce other stress related to losing someone. Doing so will relieve the financial burden on your family and offers peace of mind to you.

  • What information do I need to prearrange?

    You'll need basic information about yourself or the person you are planning for, such as date of birth, marital status, parent's full names, etc. Besides the biological information, you'll need to choose a cremation or burial options. Our caring staff will help you with this process.

  • What if I move to a different city or country?

    Ontario prearranged funeral contracts are often transferable within Canada. Confirm with your funeral provider if the plan is portable and what fees may apply for transfers.

  • What happens to the money I prepay?

    Prepaid funds are deposited into a trust or used to purchase an insurance policy, as required by Ontario law. These funds are safeguarded and can only be used for your funeral services.

  • Can I change my arrangements after prearranging?

    Yes, in Ontario, individuals can generally change their pre-planned funeral or cremation arrangements, but the specifics depend on how the arrangements were funded and structured.

  • Is prearranging legally binding?

    Prearranging gives you peace of mind, but in Ontario, it’s not always legally binding. It depends on whether a formal agreement has been signed and whether payment has been made:

    If no payment has been made, your plan is simply an expression of your wishes, which can be changed at any time.

    If payment has been made, the agreement is legally binding—but you still have the right to make changes or cancel, with any prepaid funds (plus interest) refundable, minus a small administrative fee.

  • Who should I inform about my prearrangements?

    Inform your family or executor and provide them with a copy of the prearrangement contract. It’s also helpful to let them know which funeral home holds the agreement.

  • What’s the difference between prearranging and preplanning?

    Preplanning involves outlining your preferences without a financial commitment. Prearranging includes formalizing and often prepaying for the services to secure your plans.

  • Does prearranging a funeral cover everything?

    Prearranged plans cover the services and products specified in the contract. Always review the agreement to ensure it includes all items you want and ask about additional costs for unforeseen circumstances.

  • What if my chosen funeral home goes out of business?

    Ontario’s BAO protects prepaid funds, allowing you to transfer them to another licensed provider. Ensure your funeral home is licensed and regulated by the BAO.

  • Can prearranging save my family money?

    Prearranging your plans can certainly help guide your decisions, but to lock in today’s prices you need to prepay your arrangements. Without payment, your prearrangements serve as a thoughtful plan for your wishes, but they won't secure current pricing.

  • What are the benefits of prearranging a funeral?

    Prearranging your funeral gives you the peace of mind that your final wishes will be known. It takes the burden off your family during a time of grief by handling decisions in advance. When you prepay your arrangements, you lock in today’s prices, protecting against rising costs. Overall, prearranging can offer clarity, financial protection, and comfort for both you and your loved ones.

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